GLAM/Newsletter/June 2022/Contents/Argentina report
In the middle of new projects
An established community of popular libraries
After our survey on popular libraries in Argentina, were more than 130 people participated, we started with a Wikimedia proyects training programme designed along with Wikimedia Argentina's peasant, Fabián Mamani. During four weeks, we held out a pair of trainings for each wiki proyect (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, WikiSource) to teach popular librarians how they could incorporate them to their everyday work with collections and commumnity. Almost 20 people participated from all of the trainings and asked Wikimedia Argentina to continue with a learning programe in the future.
Museums learning about intelectual property

On June 23rd we invited several museum workers to an intellectual property conference at Museo del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo, one of the most important national museum placed in Buenos Aires City. From 10 am to 16 pm, four speakers specialized in heritage talked about how intellectual property applies to different typers of collections inside museums, from a theoretical and practical point of view. More than 90 people appointed to the event and 30 were finally selected to participate presencially (the event was recorded and will be uploaded to youtube so everyone can have access). Finally, during the event the guide for using Wikipedia inside museums was handed out and very welcomed by all the assistants.
At the same time, the National Museum's Office reached out Wikimedia Argentina to include an intellectual property content on their Communication online course, aimed for museum workers from all the country. For this, Angie Cervellera from the Culture and Open Knowledge program was invited to record a podcast along with other specialists in diverse themes.
Cultura para Abrir 2nd edition
The second edition of Cultura para Abrir was launched the first days of June. With some new features, the online course of Wikimedia Argentina will be extended until the end of July, covering important areas such as open culture, free knowledge, digital preservation, digitization, wikimedia commons and intellectual property.
From an idea to a project with Chaco
This month we applied to Fundación Williams' call for projects related to culture and ciences in territory. We were selected upon 94 projects to participate on a two-week training to turn an idea into a real proyect. We applied along with the Programa de la Cultura de los Pueblos Originarios from the Instituto de Cultura de Chaco and a group of collaborators from qom, moqoit and wichi Chaco's communities, with whom we developed the idea of mapping indigenous knowledge on the province. The idea is to improve the creation of new content from the indigenous' points of view on their own local history an culture, as well as have uploaded on Wikimedia Commons photograhpies and documents related to them that Chaco's public institutions (museums, archives) preserve.
Our group is presenting the consolidated proyect soon and awaits for the final announcements on which groups will be founded by the mid of July. Wish us luck!