GLAM/Newsletter/June 2016/Contents/UK report
Alice White's residency at the Wellcome Library continued into its second month. Alice has been organising in-house training, and working with staff to create a training pack for Wellcome-funded researchers on why and how they should write about their open access research on Wikipedia.
Alice has also worked on improving categorisation of Wellcome content on Wikimedia Commons, and making Wellcome Resources easier to find using the residency project page.
London-based (and visiting) wiki-editors at the London Meetup were very supportive of the residency and have made some excellent suggestions. There have also been several visits and discussions with expert practitioners in the field of psychiatry and mental health about the residency and how to improve wiki-coverage of the history of psychiatry and mental health. This is building towards a series of events, edit-a-thons, and content-improvement starting in September to coincide with the opening of an exhibition on Bedlam: the Asylum and Beyond.