GLAM/Newsletter/June 2024/Contents/Switzerland report
Swiss GLAM Programme
International Archive Week
The International Archive Week was running from 3rd to 9th of June. This year the theme was Cyber archives. We had a panel discussion on the subject talking about new curatorial approaches and how the wiki platforms can help to include marginalised knowledge in archives. The video shows some thoughts and approaches for curatorial work regarding digital gaps in archives.
Studio Art Clinic (in German: Atelier Kunstklinik)

Nusa Núñez de La Torre presented her work in Biel/Bienne on the June GLAM Meeting at the KBCB. As an artist and therapist she founded the nomadic project Kunstklinik where she focusses on ways of healing and perception of the inner self. In a series of work her home bathroom was used to escape everyday life and to reflect the ocean. People could sit on a ship, listen to the running water and watch videos that made them feel being on a ship in the ocean. Working with dreams to discover oneself a phoneline was created where people can call and get help understanding their dreams. Using architectural objects in public space integrating a screen gives access for people living there for free.

GLAM-on-Tour at the Swiss National Library
The GLAM-on-Tour at the Swiss National Library took place the last weekend of June. The aim was to look inside the library regarding decolonisation in archives and collections and transatlantic perceptions. An interesting perception of the Peruvian Andes is to perceive them as mountains of 5th Switzerland. Dealing with the same issues regarding global warming leads to joint working groups of experts. Participants came from German- and Frenchspeaking Switzerland as well as from Germany. The age was mixed from beginning Twenties to late Seventies. The work developed ranged from biographies, decolonizing topics to audio files as on the right side. The National Library is a constant partner of Wikimedia CH. Further projects are planned.