GLAM/Newsletter/May 2018/Contents/Australia report
GLAM Peak having impact & International Museum Day edit-a-thon
GLAM Peak continues, an initiative bringing together local heritage groups and museums to learn from the experiences of the major institutions continues across. Wikimedia Australia is a sponsor of this program engaging with communities in Hobart, Geelong, Albury, Toowoomba, Newcastle, Perth, this month workshops were held in Cairns and Nuriootpa. The next workshops will take place in Alice Springs on 20-21 June before finishing in Broome, Western Australia on 26-27 June. The Perth workshop has already started producing results with activities happening in collaboration with the Museum of Perth, and the City of Nedlands. Wikimedia Australia also learnt from the workshops and is putting together a digitization kit for WikiClubWest that they can take into the community that will help to them preserve knowledge while also sharing it.
International Museum Day edit-a-thon

On International Museums Day, 18 May 2018, Sayraphim Lothian and Mike Jones ran a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon at ACMI-X in Melbourne. The focus was on creating and improving pages about museums and galleries in the state of Victoria. Attendees came from museums, libraries, universities, galleries, and associated organisations, and ranged from newbies who created their Wikipedia account for the event through to some experienced editors. It was a productive session. More than ten people were trained in the use of Wikipedia, seven new pages were created, and the group added photographs, location information and info boxes to existing pages. Experienced attendees assisted by creating a template for 'Museums and galleries in Victoria (Australia),’ and a Wikidata map of museums in Victoria.
Sayraphim made a short video on the day, Why should museums be on Wikipedia? where participants talked about the importance of Wikipedia for museums and galleries.
The project is ongoing, with participants continuing to work on editing and creating pages, and more edit-a-thons are planned for the future. Those interested in finding out more can visit the project page
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