GLAM/Newsletter/September 2014/Contents/Open Access report
Open Access Reader; New Topic Page; Open Access File of the Day suspended
Open Access Reader project starts
This month, the Open Access Reader started, which aims to bring significant information contained in Open Access publications over to relevant Wikimedia platforms.
Cite-o-Meter got facelift
The Cite-o-Meter is a tool to visualize how many Wikipedia pages are citing CrossRef DOIs that have been issued by different publishers (examples: PLOS, Elsevier). It also allows to rank publishers by citations from a given Wikipedia (examples: en, vi) or from Wikimedia Commons. It got a facelift this month using D3 for better visualization.
New PLOS Computational Biology Topic Page
On September 25, the article Multi-state modeling of biomolecules was published in PLOS Computational Biology as the seventh of its Topic Pages. The article provided the basis for the Multi-state modeling of biomolecules entry on the English Wikipedia, and its publication marked the start of a dedicated PLOS Collection for these Topic Pages.
Open Access File of the Day suspended
Since December 1, 2011, an Open Access File of the Day has been posted on a daily basis to highlight the variety of open access materials that are being used on Wikimedia projects. Due to limited volunteer time, this activity has been suspended this month until further notice. If you see a way to take this up again, please contact WikiProject Open Access. The following files have been featured as Open Access File of the Day this month:
September 18: the beetle Neotermitosocius bolivianus
September 17: the Albania plant Micromeria cristata
September 16: body of the spider Sosippus floridanus
September 15: the lizard Eutropis cumingi
Sept 14: shell of the snail Achatina vassei
September 13: the eel Myrichthys ocellatus
September 12: the sea slug Melibe arianeae
September 11: the moth Dunama jessiebancroftae
September 10: Adélie penguin being weighed in a checkpoint
September 9: the bat Micronycteris microtis
September 8: the spider Caerostris darwini
September 7: love dart of the snail Xerarionta kellettii
September 6: a female orchid bee Eulaema mocsaryi
September 5: larva of the freshwater gar Lepisosteus oculatus
September 4: red tongue and cracked lips as symptoms of Kawasaki disease
September 3: the ground beetle Quammenis spectabilis
September 2: the fish Cephalopholis fulva
September 1: a Spitzenkörper in a fungal hypha
Open Access Media Importer
The following represents a selection of the files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer this month, bringing the total to about 17,500. If you can think of wiki pages where these files could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.
Almost three years of daily OA file is still a lot, thank you. --Nemo 21:46, 11 October 2014 (UTC)