GLAM/Newsletter/August 2014/Contents/Open Access report
Open Access at Wikimania; Citathon
Open Access at Wikimania
There was a flurry of sessions around Open Access at this year's Wikimania as part of the Open Scholarship track. These included a panel with Jimmy Wales, several keynotes - e.g. one by Elizabeth Marincola - as well as sessions with Phil Bourne or Cameron Neylon and several sessions by members of WikiProject Open Access. There clearly was an interest from both the Wikimedia and the scholarly communities to enhance interactions.
A key theme this year at Wikimania were citations. This started with the citathon - a table at the hackathon, where people would discuss and hack on handling references and citations - and continued well into the following days, e.g. with a panel on reforming citations across Wikimedia projects as well as sessions on Citoid or the Open Access signalling project. During Wikimania, CrossRef announced a new initiative to help curate citation metadata on Wikimedia projects.
Open Access Media Importer
The following represents a selection of the ca. 200 files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer this month, bringing the total to over 17,400. If you can think of wiki pages where these files could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.
Open Access File of the Day
The following files have been featured as Open Access File of the Day this month:
August 31: Melipona interrupta manaosensis workers attacking a male.
August 30: Skull reconstruction of Kosmoceratops richardsoni.
August 29: The crustacean Tesnusocaris goldichi.
August 28: the spider Aptostichus stephencolberti
August 27: stages of biofilm development
August 26: the frog Anodonthyla pollicaris
August 25: the flowering plant Centaurea soskae
August 24: drawings of the spider Anisaedus levii in the family Palpimanidae
August 23: the fish Haplochromis argens
August 22: the extinct earwig Astreptolabis
August 21: the butterfly Raetzer's Ringlet
August 20: the plant bug Chinavia aseada
August 19: larva of firefly Alecton discoidalis eating the snail Oleacina
August 18: marbled water monitor
August 16: Oxelytrum biguttatum in the family Silphidae
August 15: the armored catfish Pareiorhina hyptiorhachis
August 14: call of mudskipper Periophthalmodon septemradiatus
August 13: forest on the Phillipine island of Palawan
August 12: shell from a snail of family Hygromiidae
August 11: The spider Cabello eugeni.
August 10: The butterfly Argynnis elisa.
August 9: The skink Cryptoblepharus leschenault.
August 8: The frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus.
August 7: The snake Coelognathus erythrurus.
August 6: Larva of the moth Amyna axis from the family Erebidae.
August 5: The insect Ripipteryx mopana of the superfamily Tridactyloidea.
August 4: The lizard Potamites strangulatus.
August 3: Genetic divergence of proboscidean species.
August 2: The freshwater snail Wicker ancylid.
August 1: The fish Squalius squalus.
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