The video on how to keep wiki FAIR and NEUTRAL makes wiki very a credible website and online encyclopedia. This allows the members of wiki site to have no main opinion in the topics and allow founders of wiki to keep this a very good informational site. Their are rumors that "Anyone can put anything on wiki" and that's true to a point. With this wiki requirement that is not so ever true. You must have resources and you need to be factual or else you wont see it on wiki. So even a rumored down possibly untrustworthy site like wiki is keeping its facts straight. That is why wiki can be a trusted resource site.

Impossible 21 Regarded wiki user.

Bicameralism. What is it? why was it formed? who thought of it? all very good questions. Bicameralism refers to the second chamber or second house of party. This was form via of population loss and growth in many countries. The upper house would make the decisions on many topics such as war with another country. The lower house would either fight agenst that topic or concur. The decision of thus topic would be agreed to or followed through if the vote reached a 2/3 ratio of both houses. This house was mainly a second opinion and included the poor or unwise. This house was a main factor of democracy and to create fair equality amongst the lower class in the debate of political movement and equality. This house was always looked down on when politics went a nasty wrong turn. This house was occasionally diminished or taken out of a vote to ensure the upper house had it's way. This is the regarded topic of Bicameralism.

Impossible 21 regarded wiki user.