

hi Marlita, please note that i have extracted your self-introduction for a thx to Pete. i hope you like it, best regards --Jan eissfeldt 11:46, 13 December 2009 (UTC)Reply



I've been browsing around the bookshelf project once more, because I'm interested in pursuing similar outreach work down here in Sydney - but I notice that you've not been around for a couple of months? I'm wondering if your position was temporary, and has not been renewed, or if you're busy with other things, or just generally if you're going to be around any more :-)

Hope so! - because it would be great to touch base... best, Privatemusings 00:22, 25 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

ah - I gather you've left this project? No worries :-) - Thanks for your efforts, and I hope you're good :-) - I've updated your userpage to show that you've left - I hope this is cool too... cheers, Privatemusings 23:35, 20 April 2010 (UTC)Reply