Education/Newsletter/October 2018
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This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!

This Month in Education
Volume 7 | Issue 10 | October 2018
In This Issue
From the Community

On October 15 a new academic course featuring Wikidata opened at Tel Aviv University (TAU). This is a for-credit, elective course that is available to all undergraduate students at TAU and it is the 1st of its kind in the world! read more...

The seed we sowed is beginning to bear fruits, at least in the "Basque Language and Communication" department of the Basque Country University. We started last year with some professors, working with their students in our education program, and they have adopted Wikipedia read more...

The Wikipedia & Education User Group elected its first board, in an election that ran from August 28 (candidates' self nomination) to October 2 (official results). The board term goes from 2018 to more...

As the new academic year started, we reached to high schools and universities, establishing cooperation. So far we have set cooperations with UBT University and Faculty of Education at University of Prishtina. read more...

:As the new academic year started, we reached to high schools and universities, establishing cooperation. So far we have set cooperations with Babe Dude Karbunara and 21 Tetori high schools as part of our cooperation with Peace Corps Albania. read more...

After some months of preparation the Wikimedia Foundation has granted the organization of this very first Wikimedia+Education conference, next April 5-7 in Donostia, Basque Country. It will be a whole weekend discussing, learning and working on the role Wikimedia has in education and the role education institutions can adopt inside our knowledge equitiy more...

When we launched our Education Program we wanted to rise the quality of a list of basic articles. Measuring quality is tricky, but ORES system can help us choose what must be improved and what can be difficult to assign to students. Integrating ORES Articlequality system in Basque Wikipedia has made students choose wisely and center their effort in what really matters. read more...

Map of Monuments is a new tool allowing wikipedians to find monuments with no article on Wikipedia. It is available for monuments located in Czechia and Austria. If you have questions, know about bugs or want to see new features, read more...

An experience about using Wikipedia with university students and teachers in Argentina.
From Wikimedia Argentina Education Program, we think that it is very important that students and university teachers participate in the edition of content in Wikipedia. To promote this work, since 2015 we carried out the project "Wikipedia in the University". read more...

Each of us tells about his/her first steps on Wikipedia with great pleasure. Each story is unique with its exceptional feelings and images. Some stories are funny and some are interesting. Today Syuzi Yeranyan from Vanashen WikiClub tells her wiki story. read more...
Thank you for reading!
Check back next month for new featured topics, community stories, and WEP news!