4 Islands Outreach; Digital Clippings; Balinese Wikisource Competition
GLAM outreach to several main islands in Indonesia
After two years of pandemic and stopping all offline activities, GLAM Indonesia kick-off the post-pandemic activities with visitation to four cities: Medan, Yogyakarta, Makassar, and Banjarmasin, in the four main islands of Indonesia: Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and Kalimantan. In addition, the team got to visit old and new partners in around 18 institutions. We plan to invite most of them to the Open GLAM conference in November. We are also planning to socialize the Indonesian GLAM collections to several universities in the months to come.
In those cities, GLAM Indonesia also promoted Wikistories, piloted in the Indonesian Wikipedia, and collaborated with non-Wikimedian communities in those four cities to test and use the new feature and provide feedback to the developer team. As a result, a competition (Wikistories for GLAM) will be held in September-October to produce more GLAM-themed Wikistories in Indonesian Wikipedia (and GLAM-related pictures to Commons).
Digital Clippings for Commons

Following the success of the previous Digital Clipping event held on Public Domain Day 2022 in Indonesia, GLAM Indonesia organized a workshop that was attended by 17 Wikimedians and issued a challenge to make as many clippings from old Indonesian magazines and upload them to Commons (since the magazines themselves are not license-compatible to Commons yet). During the 1-week mini challenge, 13 participants uploaded 775+ photos from 70+ magazine volumes (an average of 60 pictures and five magazine volumes per participant).
The result dramatically enriches the largely unavailable pictures of Indonesian artists from the 60s to 70s. We hope to maintain this type of event again in the future with different sets of magazines.
Proofreading Competition in Balinese Wikisource
The community-organized competition was held for two weeks, and during that time, 14 participants proofread more than 5.000 pages of documents from 24 books, more than 2.000 of which has been validated. The competition is set to take place annually in three different Wikisource communities: Indonesian, Balinese, and Javanese.
GLAM Socialization; Wikistories for GLAM Competition
GLAM Socialization in University of Indonesia

At September 29, GLAM Indonesian held a socialization event of the GLAM Indonesia collections to the students of the national University of Indonesia in Jakarta. The event was attended by around 40 people, and in this program we presented many collections from various GLAM institutions in Indonesia and other countries. We also encourage them to use these collections freely, and share it with others who haven't been able to participate in the presenation. The students are mainly from the History Department and they were enthusiast during the presentation and the subsequent Q&A session.

GLAM Indonesia working together with the Wikistories team that have the pilot project in Indonesian Wikipedia held a 3-weeks long competition for Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums personnel to create as many Wikistories and upload GLAM-related pictures to support their stories. In less than 3 weeks, participants have created more than 187 stories using the new feature. The winner of this competition will be awarded with cool gadgets and invited to attend the Open GLAM Conference in Jakarta next November.
GLAM Talk; Javanese Wikisource Workshop
In October, our team was mainly busy with preparation for November's Open GLAM Conference, but there's still some events going on, other than the closing of last month's Wikistories for GLAM Competition that saw participants wrote 385 stories and uploaded 937 new images to Commons.
Bincang GLAM - GLAM Talk
Started during the pandemic, our podcast series, called Bincang GLAM, or GLAM Talk, is rebooted again. Our first edition talked about Wikistories which were trialed in Indonesian Wikipedia. Our first guest was from History of Java Museum. She participated in the Wikistories for GLAM Competition and gave her feedback about using the tool, from a GLAM institution point of view. We also had Bona, who's the community liaison for Wikistories project.
Javanese Wikisource Workshop
Since it's launch last year, Javanese Wikisource has entered a steady period of growth, but we always needed new contributors to proofread the ever growing collection of Javanese books, in Javanese script and Latin. For that purpose, the Javanese community held a Workshop for editing in Javanese Wikisource (dubbed Wikisumber). For those who are interested in watching the recorded workshop, feel free to leave a message to the author of this newsletter.
Open GLAM Conference; Sundanese Wikisource Workshop; Minangkabau books digitization
Open GLAM Conference

In November 5th, Wikimedia Indonesia held Open GLAM Conference in Jakarta (news item, archived), a two-day event which attended by around 40 GLAM activists around Indonesia. In this main event of 2022, participants talks and learn in 10 sessions about Wikimedia & GLAM Indonesia, Wikidata, licenses, Retas Budaya ("Hack your culture"), Wikistories, open access, Wiki Rescues Manuscript, as well as panel session UNESCO's Memory of the World, and Wikibase session by Alan Ang.
Our conference aim to connect like-minded GLAM institutions around Indonesia, to provide them with the necessary knowledge and resources to open their collections, and to emphasize the need for openness, be it license, access, as well as data. Participants came from all major islands of Indonesia, from various background and affiliations, with speakers hailing from University of Indonesia, Creative Commons Indonesia, Goethe Institute, Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), Wikimedia Deutchland (WMDE), UNESCO, Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara (Manassa), DREAMSEA, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI), Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA), as well as host Wikimedia Indonesia (WMID).
Subsequently, Hardi, representing GLAM Indonesia, presented our GLAM activities in ESEAP Conference (18-19th November) in Sydney, Australia. (1)
Sundanese Wikisource Workshop
Following a similar workshop last month, the Sundanese community requested a WikiTraining and Wikisource Workshop for their language. Sundanese Wikisource currently still hosted in Multilingual Wikisource. But the influx of new contributors could led the project to see the light of day, and approved as an independent project, the fourth of its kind in Indonesia, after Indonesian, Javanese, and Balinese Wikisources.
The workshop is held online, with around 12 participants. They proofread a Sundanese book called Dongeng-dongeng Pieunteungeun with the help of an experience Sundanese Wikisource contributor: User:Kumincir. Their contributions can be seen here.
Minangkabau books digitization

Our partner institution in West Sumatra, the Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat (BBPSB, West Sumatra Province Language Center), has agreed to open their Minangkabau language collections and upload them to Commons. This included two batches of books, one set are older books (around 50 of them), which required to be digitized first, and another set of 27 newer books, in bilingual Minangkabau-Indonesian. We provide (lend) them with a scanner (a Fujitsu ScanSnap), trained them how to digitize their books, and post-processed the resulting images into PDF using ScanTailor and Sumatra PDF softwares. Each of them then tried their hand using the machine, and spend the second day processing the images into PDF, and upload them to Commons. These collections can be seen/downloaded from Category:Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat.
Among the books that they uploaded, there's one title, about Minangkabau folk story of an unfilial son called "Umbuik Mudo". The story has been proofread in Indonesian Wikisource previously in the form of Malay retelling of the story, called "Tjerita Si Umbut Muda", and the story in the original language was not available until BBPSB uploaded their collection; one book called "Hikajat Si Umbuik Mudo" in original Minangkabau language, and another called "Si Umbuik Mudo", a bilingual Minangkabau-Indonesian book for the new generation of readers.
Digitalization in Deli Serdang and Yogyakarta; #1Lib1Ref Workshop; Structured Data Marathon
Digitalization in Deli Serdang and Yogyakarta
After we went to help digitize the books in West Sumatra at the end of November, at the beginning of December GLAM Indonesia team continued to North Sumatra to our other partner organization, Museum Daerah Deli Serdang (MDDS), to help with their digitization project. Their collections that are being digitized into Commons are the letters from Sauti (d. 1963), a local artist most famous for creating a dance called Serampang 12 dance, including the original music score and the description of the dance.
In addition to that, GLAM Indonesia is also digitizing the Museum Dewantara Kirti Griya (MDKG) in Yogyakarta. The digitization project was done by a volunteer who previously participated in Wikistories for GLAM competition, who lives in Yogyakarta. This is the first part of the digitization project in this institution. They also agreed to digitize their photo collection and their book collections. (See also our previous partnership with MDKG here, here, here, and here).
Structured Data Marathon: Indonesian Stamps Edition

In our ISA Campaign this year-end, we chose a brand new collection that has not been described through structured data before. Wikimedia Commons has more than 5.400 stamps of all subjects from Indonesia, starting from 1945 (independence) till 2022.
The 8-day-long campaign was met with tremendous enthusiasm, with the first day alone seeing the number of contributions exceed that of the number of files. At the end of the campaign (and the year), the total number of contributions have reached 30 thousand contributions, second only to the 10-weeks long WikiLoves Africa 2022 Campaign in terms of total contributions during a single-campaign.
In terms of numbers: 17 contributors on average contributed 1784 contributions, with the daily average of 3792 contributions, and each stamp image gets an additional six new descriptions on average.
Feel free to browse through the thousands of fascinating pictures from this collection, and even add some descriptions yourselves here!
#1Lib1Ref Workshop
To increase awareness of the #1Lib1Ref campaign in January, we held an online workshop about how to add references to Indonesian Wikipedia on Zoom that 19 participants attended. GLAM Indonesia plan to organize the annual #1Lib1Ref campaign with the rest of the global Wikimedia movements in January and May 2023.
Public Domain Day in Indonesia; #1Lib1Ref Campaign and Workshop
Public Domain Day in Indonesia
Every 1st of January, GLAM Indonesia celebrate the Public Domain Day, and socialize all the creative works that become public domain this year. For 2023 celebration, we tried to do something new - Commons Cycling. We partnered with Creative Commons Indonesia and Subcyclist (Suroboyo Cycling Institute) in an event called "Mancal Nang Suroboyo - Pranala Peradaban" (Cycling in Surabaya - Link of Civilization) in January 29th. We used 4 public domain image of Surabaya from Wikimedia Commons, and we cycled through the route and took pictures and uploaded the result to social media and Commons. At the start of the event there were about 80 people registered.
For our previous PD Day events in Indonesia, see 2020, 2021, and 2022 reports
#1Lib1Ref Campaign and Workshop
Along with other Wikipedias, we celebrate the Wikipedia Day by running the #1Lib1Ref Campaign in Indonesian Wikipedia. There were several hundred articles edited during the 3 weeks event (15 January-5 February). We are hoping to organize the second campaign in May as well.
To socialize the campaign and raise awareness of the need to provide good quality references, we organized an offline event in the Main Library of State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim in Malang, East Java. The workshop was attended by more than 20 librarians (from that university and 5 of them from 2 other universities, Brawijaya University and State University of Malang currently interned there).
Bincang GLAM - Wikimedia Commons series
We started a new weekly GLAM Talk in Wikimedia Indonesia's Youtube channel. We plan to do 8 episodes (or more) in February-March, centering around Wikimedia Commons for beginner. We began by explaining what is Wikimedia Commons and the 8 future episode topics.
Launching of Wikisource Loves Manuscripts; Bincang GLAM continues; 2nd Digital Clippings from Youtube
Launching of Wikisource Loves Manuscripts

The Seminar, Discussion and Release of Wikisource Loves Manuscripts (ID) is a collaboration between the Wikimedia Foundation and PPIM UIN Jakarta. The theme raised is the theme "Digitalization of Manuscripts to Strengthen Research Infrastructure and Community Engagement". Also invited to this event were academics, philologists, students, BRIN, National Library of Indonesia and all parties related to manuscripts in Indonesia.
Read more about the project initiatives in Meta: Wikisource Loves Manuscripts.
Bincang GLAM continues
During February, we hosted 4 live sessions of "GLAM Talk", with the following topics: How to upload media to Wikimedia Commons (2 February), the WikiKaleidoskop 2.0 photography competition in Commons (9 February), Licenses in Wikimedia Commons: Creative Commons and Public Domain (16 February), and lastly Structured Data in Wikimedia Commons and ISA Tool (23 February)
2nd Digital Clippings from Youtube

Following the success of the previous event, we held a second Digital Clippings workshop and challenge. This time each participants are asked to clip important images from free videos provided by Indonesian news agency, Antara via their Youtube channel, AntaraTV. While it isn't necessary to upload those freely licensed videos to Commons, we can still take still images from them to increase the number of pictures related to Indonesia, particularly public figures that have yet to have images of them in Commons, and still pictures of recent events held in Indonesia, like F1 Powerboat World Championshiph or F1H2O in Lake Toba, North Sumatra.
During the 1 week challenge, 5 Wikimedians were able to upload more than 350 images from hundreds of videos. This way, those images are now freely available to illustrate articles about Indonesian people, events, and other articles related to Indonesia. We hope that through this event, more Wikimedians understand that Wikimedia Commons are able to use Youtube as one of its sources, as long as the videos are licensed with Creative Commons and from reputable sources.
Javanese Wikisource Competition; 5 More Bincang GLAMs; GLAM Socialization to University of Sriwijaya
Javanese Wikisource Competition

From 6-20 of March, the Javanese Wikisource Competition managed to proofread 30 books and 3 manuscripts. A total of 2,768 (out of possible 3,912) pages were either proofread or validated by 32 participants in 14 days, with a total of 9,390 edits. Several of the participants have never edited Wikisource or any Wikimedia projects before and some of them managed to get to top 10 contributors.
A blog was written, titled Javanese Wikisource Competition in English, Indonesian, and Javanese (the first Diff blog in that language).
Full report: GLAM/Case studies/Javanese Wikisource Competition
5 More Bincang GLAMs
During February, we hosted 5 live sessions of "GLAM Talk", with the following topics: Featured Pictures, Quality Images, and Valued Images in Commons (2 March), GLAM Indonesia collections in Commons (9 March), How to be a good photographer in Commons (with a guest speaker, 16 March), Tools in Commons: VisualFileChange, CropTool, Cat-a-Lot (23 March), Uploading with Flickr-to-Commons and editing Structured Data with AC/DC (30 March).
To Palembang: GLAM Socialization and museum visitations

At March 13th, GLAM Indonesian held a socialization event of the GLAM Indonesia collections to the students of the University of Sriwijaya in Palembang, working together with the Unsri Wikiclub that was recently established. The event was attended by around 30 people, and in this program we presented many collections from various GLAM institutions in Indonesia and other countries.
Then the next day, we took some of the Wikiclub members to visit Museum Balaputra Dewa and Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, to introduce them to the museums so that in the future, the Wikiclub members could hold events such as Wikitrainings, or edit-a-thons in the museums. GLAM Indonesia also talked to the museums about partnership and digitization projects.
GLAM Mini Grants; Structured Data Marathon VIII; Wikisource Online Workshop
GLAM Mini Grants
During March, GLAM Indonesia opened Mini Grants for GLAM institutions and individuals to submit their proposals for up to 10 million IDR (about 610 EUR) grants. Several dozens proposals were submitted and in April, we announced three of them received funding from WMID.
- Museum Musik Indonesia (Indonesian Music Museum) proposed to create a book with the stories of their 20 best collections and would be uploaded to Commons.
- Sanggar Seni Karawitan Laras Siwi (Laras Siwi Karawitan Art Studio) proposed to organize a workshop of Karawitan (a type of traditional music with gamelan originating from Java) and document them for Commons.
- Mandailing Manuscript Digitalization proposed to digitized rare Mandailing (of North Sumatra) manuscripts and upload them to Commons.
The projects will start in May. Stay tuned for the results in the next reports!
Structured Data Marathon VIII

Credit: Yon illahi, CC BY-SA 4.0
In our ISA Campaign this semester, we chose Wiki Cinta Alam (Wiki Loves Earth) pictures of 2022. Wikimedia Commons has more than 1.035 WLE pictures from Indonesia, but after the first day of the event, we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the participants, so we quickly decided to add more pictures to be tagged with Structured Data, from WLE Indonesia 2021 and 2017 for a total of 4.847 images.
The 7-days-long campaign resulted in a record number of contributions with more than 45 thousands new structured data added to 4.847 images (at the time of the closing, it reaches 64 thousands at the time of this report is written) by 24 participants. It was twice as much contributions as last Christmas' campaign. You can see the most used elements in this pretty infographics, with sky, cloud, tree, leaf, and forest being the most common elements in the pictures.
Feel free to browse through the thousands of fascinating pictures from this collection, and even add some descriptions yourselves here! Thank you for all the participants, and especially the top three contributors who contributed in combination 25 thousand descriptions!
Wikisource Online Workshop
The Indonesian Wikisource Community held an online workshop in the end of April with 13 participants, and they proofread the book s:id:Indeks:Tata Bahasa Minangkabau.pdf that was made available by the Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat digitization project with GLAM Indonesia.
Wikisource Workshop in Madura; Outreach to Bandung; Indonesian Wikisource Competition
Wikisource Workshop in Pamekasan, Madura Island

On May 14th, the Indonesian Madurese Wikimedia community gathered to learn how to edit Wikisource for the first time, in Pamekasan Regency, Madura. The training was done via pre-recorded session. They started by editing an paper in Indonesian language about infant mortality in Madura, and then continued with a Madurese book made by Wikimedia Indonesia about Wikipedia.
The workshop was attended by 13 participants. About half of them would continue to participate in the Indonesian Wikisource Competition a week later.
GLAM Outreach to Bandung, West Java
GLAM Indonesia continued its outreach to various institution around Indonesia. This time we visited Bandung, the capital of West Java, and 150 km from Jakarta. Our team visited several institutions: the first one was Ajip Rosidi Library, with whom we had the pleasure of working together in the past (before the pandemic). We were greeted with enthusiasm, and there was around 48 microfilms that contain important Sundanese manuscripts, that needed to be digitized with special machine. We borrowed one of them, to be processed in Jakarta's National Archive (ANRI), and hopefully we will be able to digitize those microfilms to Commons.
Next we headed to Indonesian Post Museum, in the headquarter of Indonesian Post national company, and introduced our movement and digitizing activities of GLAM Indonesia. Although Commons already had quite a complete collection of Indonesian stamps thanks to a 3rd party website, we were still interested in working together to digitize their non-stamps collection, such as books, envelopes, and historical collections. Other than that, we also took the chance to visit 3 other museum in the city: Indonesian Education Museum, Sri Baduga Museum (West Java Provincial Museum), and Asian-African Conference Museum.
Proofreading Competition in Indonesian Wikisource

From 16th-30th of May, the Indonesian Wikisource Community organized the fourth annual Indonesian Wikisource competition. This year's highly anticipated competition saw a fierce race between the participants, and resulted in 32 books (8632 pages) being validated, with 1763 edits per day from 38 active participants. That's 616 pages being proofread and validated every day, or 227 pages per participants. The competition grew in size each year, from 5 books in 2020, 16 in 2021, 10 Indonesian books in 2022, and finally a record of 32 books this year. The participation rate was beyond what the team had anticipated.
From the 76 registered users (with 61 of them contributing at least once) - many of them are new to Wikisource and/or Wikimedia movement, and many of them joined after participating in previous workshops or competition (Balinese Wikisource competition last July, Javanese Wikisource competition last March, and Sundanese Wikisource competition last April). We hope that in the future competitions, we can keep the high contribution rate and attract many more volunteers to the Indonesian Wikisource.
Conclusion of Mini Grants; Second #1Lib1Ref Campaign; Wikisource Workshop in Bali
Conclusion of GLAM Mini Grants

Continuing the news from April, the three groups who received grants from GLAM Indonesia has finished their activities.
- Museum Musik Indonesia (Indonesian Music Museum) created a book with the stories of their 20 best collections: File:20 Koleksi Unggulan Museum Musik Indonesia.pdf.
- Sanggar Seni Karawitan Laras Siwi (Laras Siwi Karawitan Art Studio) organized a workshop of Karawitan and uploaded 52 pictures, 2 music audio, and 20 videos including 2 full performances and 2 practice sessions.
- Mandailing Manuscript Digitalization digitized 3 rare Mandailing (of North Sumatra) manuscripts with more than 250 pictures and upload them to Commons.
Did you know, the Mandailing people wrote their manuscripts on processed tree barks, and this made the manuscripts very rare and the art is almost lost in modern day.
Second #1Lib1Ref Campaign of 2023

After the first campaign in January, this may we opened our second #1Lib1Ref campaign of the year. This time we invited not just librarians, but also Wikipedians, to add references to Indonesian Wikipedia articles. They could add references using CitationHunt or other methods. They started by enrolling in Outreach Dashboard
By June 15th, 19 participants have added more than 1100 references in 3 weeks, with the top 3 contributors over 770 references in 620 articles!
Wikisource Workshop in Singaraja, Bali
At the end of the month, the Denpasar Wikimedia Community organized Wikisource training in Singaraja, north of Bali. The 15 participants were introduced to WikiPustaka (Balinese Wikisource), and how to proofread books using two writing systems: Balinese script and Latin. Soon, there will be two competitions in Balinese Wikisource, one by Wikisource Loves Manuscripts and another one by the Balinese Wikimedia Community. Stay tuned for future reports!
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