GLAM/Newsletter/June 2023/Contents/Netherlands report
A new book, new Wikipedia articles, videos and further images on Africa

Book by photo donor Roel Coutinho on Guinea-Bissau
Dutch medical professor Roel Countinho, who donated 760 photographs of Guinea-Bissau and Senegal (1973-1974), was prompted by Jos Damen, ASCL head librarian/project leader, and me to write a related autobiographical account on the liberation movement PAIGC. Using his own photographs for illustrations Coutinho published his book titled in Dutch De vrijheidsstrijd van Guinee-Bissau door de ogen van een jonge dokter, Roel Countinho (2022, translated title: The struggle for independence in Guinea-Bissau, seen through the eyes of a young doctor, Roel Coutinho. PDF in Dutch at Leiden University). A translation into Portuguese of this memoir is in the offing.
New Wikipedia articles on Africa

This year we tried to provide missing Wikipedia articles on various Africa-related subjects in six languages, including:
- biographies of award-winning Africanists (29). The Wikipedia requirement of notability (e.g., winning an ward) effects a bias against Africa-based Africanists who tend to win less awards than their equally gifted colleagues located in the US and Europe.
- biographies of Boer generals of the Second Boer War (1899-1902) in South Africa (18).
- descriptions of African studies journals and organisations (6).
- descriptions of African settlements, clothing, and food (9).
- new project writing biographies of African film makers in English (2).
"New old" videos and further images on Africa
Dutch law professor Emile van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal of the African Studies Centre Leiden turned documentary film maker when he performed field work in Africa, for instance on native law systems in Togo and Burkina Faso in the years 1970-2010. Some of the videos he created assisted by his son filmmaker Maarten van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal are now being made available on Wikimedia Commons.
We persevered in our constant endeavour to upload encyclopedic public domain images on Africa to Wikimedia Commons.

- Albania report
- Asia report
- Brazil report
- Croatia report
- Germany report
- India report
- Indonesia report
- Italy report
- Kosovo report
- Netherlands report
- New Zealand report
- Philippines report
- Poland report
- Sweden report
- Switzerland report
- UK report
- USA report
- Special story
- GLAM Wiki conference report
- Calendar