GLAM/Newsletter/October 2018/Contents/Germany report
GLAMorous Conferences
GLAM on WikiCon 2018 in St. Gallen (CH)
As part of WikiCon in St. Gallen, several conference sessions on GLAM took place. The following are exemplified here:
- de:Wikipedia:WikiCon 2018/Programm/GLAM-Projekte und GLAM-Formate in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
- de:Wikipedia:WikiCon 2018/Programm/Freies Wissen in Museen?
- de:Wikipedia:WikiCon 2018/Programm/Wikipedia im Europäischen Jahr des Kulturerbes
- de:Wikipedia:WikiCon 2018/Programm/GLAM statistical tool
Conference "Zugang gestalten" in Berlin, 25th and 26th October 2018
"The conference series „Zugang gestalten! Mehr Verantwortung für das kulturelle Erbe“ discusses changes, problems and opportunities in terms of the digitalization of libraries, archives, museums and other memory institutions.
The discussion continues:
On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the eighth edition of the annual conference „Zugang gestalten!“ is dedicated to the shared cultural heritage of Europe as well as to the challenge to preserve it and to make it accessible across national borders. Following last year´s dialog, where experts met to discuss opportunities for international and inter-institutional cooperation in preserving and mediating cultural heritage, this year’s edition will focus on European cooperation. How can Europe´s tangible and intangible cultural heritage be protected and transmitted? Which national and European legal frameworks exist or are needed for that? What kind of cooperation already exist on European, national and regional level and how can they be developed and extended? What kind of national perspectives exist and how can they be transferred into a shared, European perspective? And finally: What opportunity does digitalization offer in term of the preservation and mediation of the European cultural heritage?"
(The text was taken from the website of the conference:
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