Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
4 This user has a professional level of project management skills (5+ years experience managing all aspects of a project. Complex risk, resources and client management).
4 This user has a professional level of teaching skills (Classroom/college/university teacher 5+ years; must have teaching certificate or equivalent qualification).
3 This user has an advanced level of media production skills (audio, video, print, online) (has designed materials under someone's supervision; has created these materials; knows production tools very well).
4 This user has a professional experience level of talking to the press (has written significant amounts of press releases and talking point memos; has given live radio/tv interviews).
Users by language

Trevor G Marshall is currently Director of the Autoimmunity Research Foundation in Thousand Oaks, California. He is also Adjunct Professor in the School of Health Sciences at Murdoch University, in Western Australia. He received his Masters in Engineering from the University of Adelaide (South Australia) in 1978, and his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Western Australia in 1985. His published papers span four decades, covering disciplines ranging from cryptorchidism, diabetes and infertility through to computer design and, most recently, description of a metagenomic infectious pathogenesis for chronic inflammatory disease. His personal website is at, and recent conference presentations are at