Wikimedia:İdarekarê açarnayışi
Çarnayışi administratoran mocneno kamci peli pê letey Translate extensioni ra çarnao, ke gerek çarnai ya zi tercume bo. Jü ki no şablon şablono tenyao ke şeno pela ke venga bıestero.
Administrators on Outreach have the ability to add and remove themselves from this right. Other users have to request it if they want to help others or working on translations for languages that they are familiar with. Outreach is not a playground for testing features (here is a site for that), and the translation tool is not a toy. Any user can request rights to local bureaucrats at the requests for permissions page, and must demonstrate a knowledge of the languages which they know so that translations are not botched and others have to clean up the work. In instances of a botched translation, good faith will be assumed unless it occurs after the user has been requested to cease translating in a specific language. Bureaucrats are also able to remove the right as they see fit, provided an account is inactive for a long period of time or is causing problematic edits to the site in regards to translations.
40 users now have translation admin rights on Outreach-wiki.
- Babylon — portalo çarnayışo verênio Wikimedia Translators dı
- Translate extension guidelines — Dewamê çarnayışan senin vıraziyeni
Na wiki de pela ke raya hısusi ra beno a
- All open translations — Peli pê her zuani sero istatistiki, heme çarnayışan dı
- Special:PageTranslation and Special:AggregateGroups — Çarnayışi ke administratori kerdi.
- Rights attached to translation administrators
- List of current translation administrators