GLAM/Newsletter/July 2018/Contents/Germany report
The European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin and two visits in Potsdam
Attendance on the European Cultural Heritage Summit „Sharing Heritage – Sharing Values” in Berlin

Wikimedia Germany participated in the Summit by leading the session “#Denkmaldigital – Cultural Heritage Transfer between digital and analog” at the “Transmitting Cultural Heritage to Young People” workshop, the presentation of heirlooms together with the Goethe Institute and an information stand at Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin at the join-in market “Cultural Heritage Fair”. The European Cultural Heritage Summit took place from 18–24 June 2018 in Berlin, Germany. This Summit, with the motto “Sharing Heritage – Sharing Values”, has been recognised by the European Union as one of the key public events of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) and is supported by the EU’s Creative Europe programme.
The “Transmitting Cultural Heritage to Young People” workshops will present best practice examples on this topic and offer cultural institutions, heritage communicators and specialists the opportunity to keep up-to-date and network.
“Erbstuecke/heirlooms” is a digital project designed by the Goethe-Institut and will be organised and realised in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. and in consultation with the German Cultural Heritage Committee (Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz, DNK) in several European cities and towns. The DNK itself is responsible for all activities of the European Year of Cultural Heritage within Germany.
The aim of “Erbstuecke” is to tell the story of our common roots, of how much of Europe can be found in the cultural heritage of Estonia, Portugal and Serbia for instance. We want to encourage as many people and as many European countries as possible to participate with a variety of their “heirlooms”. Cultural cooperations and influences have constituted the European cultural agenda long before the European Union was founded. Our common European heritage keeps on influencing our lives. “Sharing heritage: where the past meets the future” is this year’s slogan.
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. will contact active and interested Wikipedia chapters all over Europe. Together with these Wikipedia chapters, the Goethe-Institut is planning to organise “Edit-a-thons”, research and editing festivals, that will take place in their libraries, in partner libraries, or GLAM institutions.
Two Wikipedian KulTours at the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG)

A one-day event that brings Wikipedia contributors together with a cultural institution is often a good way to initiate a mutual relationship. A Wikipedian KulTour offers an excellent framework for such an event, consisting of a guided tour and writing workshop or a Wikipedia workshop, for example. Two of these events take place in June. Volunteers from the Wikimedia projects visited the foundation's archive in Potsdam. The second trip to Potsdam
was dedicated to the visit of the special exhibition "Kaiserdämmerung" of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg. The tour of the exhibition was conducted by the curator himself.